Unsere Graded-Games Auktionen laufen aktuell hier!

Schon mitbekommen? Wir versteigern über 100 Graded Games & Konsolen – und das ab einem Euro! Offiziell gegradet von WATA, VGA und Pixel-Grading, bieten wir euch die Chance auf echte Raritäten. Notiert euch den Zeitraum: 
Vom 07.03. bis zum 17.03.2024 findet diese einmalige Aktion statt. Verpass nicht die Gelegenheit, Dein nächstes Sammlerstück zu ergattern. Seid dabei und bietet mit – eure Gaming-Schätze warten auf euch! Vom GameBoy Classic in neuwertigem Zustand bis hin zu Super Mario Kart, Zelda, Pokemontitel für den GameBoy und vieles mehr!

BEGINN: Donnerstag, 07.03.2024, 18 Uhr
ENDE: Sonntag, 17.03.2024, 22 Uhr
Bei unseren eBay Auktionen: eBay-Auktionen

Folgende Produkte werden versteigert:

Game Boy - Super Mario Land (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Super Mario Land (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - WWF Superstars 2 WATA 8.5 (WATA Graded)

Game Boy - Metroid JAP (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Earthworm Jim (VGA Graded)

Game Boy -Game Boy Gallery 5 in 1 (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Ghostbusters - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Kirby Dream Land 2 - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - R-Type 1 (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Kirby's Dream Land (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Star Wars (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Pokemon Blaue Edition (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy -Game Boy DMG Konsole (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy - Pokemon Mini (VGA Graded)

Game Boy - Donkey Kong Land 3 - US Version (WATA Graded)

Game Boy Color - Pokemon: Or / Gold - FRA Version (WATA Graded)

Game Boy Color - Pokeomon: Argent / Silber - FRA Version (WATA Graded)

Game Boy Color - Pokemon Pinball (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Color - Zelda: Oracle of Ages - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Color - Little Mermaid II Pinball Fenzy (VGA Graded)

Game Boy Color - Harvest Moon Pixel (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Tomb Raider (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Dr. Mario ( SEALED Graded)

Game Boy Advance - DK King of Swing ( SEALED Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Pokemon Saphir Edition - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Pocket Monsters FireRed - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Gunstar Heroes - ITA Version (WATA Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Pokemon Smaragd Edition (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Pokemon Rubin (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Xevious - US Version (WATA Graded)

Game Boy Advance -Game Boy Advance (Pixel Graded)

Game Boy Advance - Donkey Kong Country - US Version (VGA Graded)

NES - Chip n Dale (Pixel Graded)

NES - Maniac Mansion (VGA Graded)

NES - Super Mario Bros 2 (Pixel Graded)

NES - PAL Super Mario Bros 1 (Pixel Graded)

NES - Duck Tales 2 (Pixel Graded)

NES - BattletoaDS - Neuauflage (VGA Graded)

NES - Super Mario Bros 3 Classic Serie (Pixel Graded)

NES - To the Earth (VGA Graded)

NES - Tetris (Pixel Graded)

NES - Kirby's Adventure (Pixel Graded)

NES - Nintendp World Cup (Pixel Graded)

Famicom - Tetris - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

 Super Famicom - Street Fighter II Turbo - JAP Version (Pixel Graded)

 Super Famicom - Mother 2 (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Super Mario Kart (WATA Graded)

Super Nintendo - Fifa 96 (VGA Graded)

Super Nintendo - US Secret of Evermore (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Yoshi's Island (VGA Graded)

Super Nintendo - Street Fighter II (WATA Graded)

Super Nintendo - Zelda: A Link to the Past (WATA Graded)

Super Nintendo - Earthworm Jim (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Secret of Mana (WATA Graded)

Super Nintendo - Mega Man X - Neuauflage (VGA Graded)
Super Nintendo - Samurai Shodown (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Starwing (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Super BC Kid (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Donkey Kong Country 3 (Pixel Graded)

Super Nintendo - Yoshi's Island (Pixel Graded)

DS - Pokemon: Weisse Edition (Pixel Graded)

DS - Pokemon: Schwarze Edition (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Pokemon Sonne Fan Edition (VGA Graded)

3DS - Pokemon Mond Fan Edition (VGA Graded)

3DS - Mario Kart 7 (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Pokémon: Sonne (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Pokémon Mond (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Pokemon Ultrasonne (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Pokemon Alpha Saphir (Pixel Graded)

3DS - Zelda Majoras Mask 3D (WATA Graded)

3DS - Metroid - FRA Version (WATA Graded)

3DS - Pokemon Y - PEGI (Pixel Graded)

Nintendo 64 - Paper Mario (WATA Graded)

Nintendo 64 - Perfect Dark (WATA Graded)

Nintendo 64 - Pokem Dual Shock 2 Black Edition 2 (FrameHistory)

Frames - XBOX 360 Controller (FrameHistory)

Frames -Game Boy Classic XL (FrameHistory)

Frames - XBOX ONE Controller (FrameHistory)

Frames -Game Boy Classic XL 2 (FrameHistory)

Frames - iPhone 3G (FrameHistory)

Frames - Dual Shock 2 Black Edition (FrameHistory)

Frames - Dual Shock 3 Black Edition (FrameHistory)on Snap (VGA Graded)

GameCube - Pokemon XD: Der Dunkle Sturm (Pixel Graded)

GameCube - Paper Mario (Pixel Graded)

GameCube - Zelda Wind Waker (Pixel Graded)

Nintendo Wii U - Zelda: Breath of the Wild (VGA Graded)

Sega Dreamcast - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Pixel Graded)

Sega Mega Drive - International Superstar Soccer (WATA Graded)

Sega Mega Drive - Mortal Kombat 2 (VGA Graded)

Sony Playstation 1 - Grand Theft Auto (Pixel Graded)

Sony Playstation 1 - DragonBall Z Ultimate Battle - US Version (VGA Graded)

Sony Playstation 2 - GTA San Andreas - US Version (WATA Graded)

Sony Playstation 2 - GTA 3 - US Version (WATA Graded)

Sony Playstation 3 - Killzone 3 (WATA Graded)

Sony Playstation 3 - Bioshock 2 (Pixel Graded)

Sony PSP - Valkyria Chronicles II (Pixel Graded)

Sony PSP - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (Pixel Graded)

Xbox - Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft (Pixel Graded)

Xbox One - Halo: Infinite (Pixel Graded)

Frames - iPhone 5 (FrameHistory)

Frames - iPhone 4 (FrameHistory)

Frames - iPhone 15 (FrameHistory)

Frames - Game Boy Color minimalistic (FrameHistory)

Frames - Dual Shock 2 Black Edition 2 (FrameHistory)

Frames - XBOX 360 Controller (FrameHistory)

Frames -Game Boy Classic XL (FrameHistory)

Frames - XBOX ONE Controller (FrameHistory)

Frames -Game Boy Classic XL 2 (FrameHistory)

Frames - iPhone 3G (FrameHistory)

Frames - Dual Shock 2 Black Edition (FrameHistory)

Frames - Dual Shock 3 Black Edition (FrameHistory)

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