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- Untertitel: Englisch
- Verpackung: Englisch
- Version: UK
- Genre: Rollenspiele
- Artikelnummer: 9901019
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PS3 - Guardians of Middle-Earth - Rette Mittelerde!
- Enter the fray in competitive five versus five battle arenas for up to 10 players, with detailed tutorial systems and controls optimized to leverage the strengths of console play styles
- Fight as more than 20 guardians, each with lore-based skills and abilities for players to develop and master; purchase additional champions, items and buffs between matches using in-game currency earned through combat
- Show off skills and status any time, or track friends? victories and defeats through an integrated tournaments; strategize with allies using in-game voice communication to give your team the competitive edge
- Included in the Season Pass are 8 new playable Guardians including heroes from the Tolkien universe such as Bilbo and Bert the Troll and 6 additional Guardians as they are released! You will also get the new Survival mode and map as a bonus.
- Show off skills and status any time through an integrated tournaments, stats and leaderboard system on the main game website; strategize with allies using in-game voice communication
Guardians of Middle-earth delivers an authentic multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game set in Middle-earth and crafted specifically for console systems. Gamers take up arms with the most powerful heroes from the greatest fantasy epic of all time, bringing up to 10 players together in strategic five versus five competitive multiplayer battle arenas in the epic setting of Middle-earth. Players can develop and master more than 20 iconic guardians, including Gandalf, Sauron, Gollum, Thráin and many more, forming memorable and unlikely alliances with and against friends. Gamers connect via an in-game voice communication system, as well as access a comprehensive online stat and leader board system where they can track friends’ victories and defeats. The game will feature tie-ins to the upcoming The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey motion picture, directed by Peter Jackson and a production of New Line Cinema and MGM.
PS3 - Guardians of Middle-Earth - Kämpfe mit so ikonischen Charakteren wie Gandalf & Co.!
Versand innerhalb von Deutschland:
- Sofortiger Versand nach Zahlungseingang
- Versandlaufzeit 1 bis 3 Tage
- 4.99 €, ab 60,00 EUR Warenwert versandkostenfrei!
- Versicherter Versand für 5,99 EUR mit DHL
- USK 18 Versand durch DHL eigenhändig für 7,99 EUR
- UPS Express-Versand 12,99 EUR (außer samstags)
Österreich, Belgien | Pauschal 9,99 € |
Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € | |
Schweiz | Pauschal 24,99 € |
Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € | |
Großbritannien | Pauschal 19,99 € |
Europa (Niederlande, Luxemburg, Tschechien, Dänemark, Spanien, Frankreich, Finnland, Italien, Polen, Schweden) | Pauschal 14,99 € |
Europa (Zypern, Estland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Irland, Lettland, Malta, Portugal, Slowakei, Slowenien, Litauen, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Koratien) | Pauschal 19,99 € |
Europa (Nicht-EU-Länder) | Pauschal 29,99 € |
Weltweit | Pauschal 79,99 € |
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