Musterbild - Spiel in der Regel Erstauflage (Platinum o.ä. möglich)

NBA Live 08

DE Version, mit OVP, gebraucht

Du sparst: 6,00 € (46 %)
Preise sind Endpreise zzgl. Versandkosten
WW Amazon

  • Sprache:
  • Verpackung: Englisch
  • Version: PAL
  • Genre: Sport
  • Artikelnummer: 9002982
  • USK Freigabe:

var regex =new RegExp('Wii U.+\(US Import\)', 'i'); if (regex.test("Wii - NBA Live 08 (DE Version) (mit OVP) (gebraucht)")){ document.getElementById('us-import').innerHTML = 'Hinweis:'; document.getElementById('notification').innerHTML = 'US Import-Spiele für die Wii U sind nicht kompatibel mit deutschen Konsolen!'; }

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Basketball, wie er besser nicht sein kann!

Providing an unrivaled level of authenticity to the sport, NBA Live 08 introduces all-new signature Go-To-Moves that capture the essence of the NBA's best, and you can now play the game on a console like you see it from the stands.
When the game is on the line and the ball is in your hands, what will you do? Will you penetrate, drive the lane and rise above the rim for a monster dunk, or find an opening on the perimeter and sink a game-winning three? Take control of the game with a full arsenal to win the one-on-one match-up from every spot on the floor with NBA Live 08.

Taking a page out of NBA Street Homecourts book, NBA Live 08 introduces Quickstrike Ballhandling. This intuitive gameplay mechanic is mapped to the right analog stick and gives you the direct responsiveness you need to perform a full repertoire of ankle-breaking ball-handling moves that let you dominate on the perimeter.

Providing an unrivaled level of authenticity to the sport, NBA Live 08 introduces hot spots, where real NBA shot data is used to illuminate the locations on the floor where your players are most effective. Couple this with all-new signature go-to moves that capture the essence of the NBAs best, and you can now play the game on a console like you see it from the stands.

On the perimeter, in the paint, and with complete authenticity to the sport of basketball, dominate with your go-to move with NBA Live 08.

  • Quicker, more responsive ball-handling moves allow you to break down opponents and take complete control of your game with the right analog stick
  • Every player has a go-to move that they consistently go to when the game is on the line.
  • 5-on-5 gameplay has never looked so good.
  • All-New Shooting Mechanics-From deep three-point shots well beyond the arc to 10-foot jumps shots in the paint, every shot attempt has been redesigned to provide more fluid, realistic results. Dunks and lay-ups are now assigned to the same button command making highlight reel plays even easier to perform
  • Running at a smooth 60 frames per second, NBA Live 08 is as close as you can get to the court, without throwing dollars for courtside seats
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Versand innerhalb von Deutschland:
  • Sofortiger Versand nach Zahlungseingang
  • Versandlaufzeit 1 bis 3 Tage
  • 4.99 €, ab 30,00 EUR Warenwert versandkostenfrei!
  • Versicherter Versand für 5,99 EUR mit DHL
  • USK 18 Versand durch DHL eigenhändig für 7,99 EUR
  • UPS Express-Versand 12,99 EUR (außer samstags)
Österreich, Belgien Pauschal 9,99 €
Versandkostenfrei ab 120 €
Schweiz Pauschal 24,99 €
Versandkostenfrei ab 120 €
Großbritannien Pauschal 19,99 €
Europa (Niederlande, Luxemburg, Tschechien, Dänemark, Spanien, Frankreich, Finnland, Italien, Polen, Schweden) Pauschal 14,99 €
Europa (Zypern, Estland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Irland, Lettland, Malta, Portugal, Slowakei, Slowenien, Litauen, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Koratien) Pauschal 19,99 €
Europa (Nicht-EU-Länder) Pauschal 29,99 €
Weltweit Pauschal 79,99 €

Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Überweisung innerhalb Deutschlands 1-3 Werktage unterwegs sein kann. Die Zahlung über PayPal erfolgt sofort.

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